Cleansing Your Crystals


Crystals should be treated with care. Many are fragile and/or water-soluble and some, such as amethyst, can fade in direct sunlight. When not in use it is a good idea to wrap your crystals in silk or velvet to protect them and to stop them from absorbing foreign vibrations.

When you receive your crystal it will have been around for many years. It may have been handled by many different people and might have absorbed some of their negative vibrations.

It is important, therefore, to spend a little time cleansing your crystal. There are several ways to do this.

1. Using energy from the Universe to cleanse your crystals

Simplest and easiest way, if its just one or a handful of crystals, is to hold them in your hand, take some deep breaths and relax.  Imagine white light coming in through the top of your head, moving down your arms and into your crystal and say to yourself "I clear any negative energy from this crystal and cleanse it with light" and sit there for a while in this pure white energy.  This is also a great way to connect to your crystal.

Hold crystals to cleanse with light

2. Bury your crystal in the ground

Putting your crystal in the ground overnight clears your crystal of any negative energy. Remember to mark the spot well or place in a pot of soil as its been known for your crystals to disappear overnight if left in the ground.

3. Cleanse your crystals with a smudge stick

Hold your crystals over the smoke from a smudge stick, there are plenty to choose from Sage is traditionally the most common but you can use any incense to clear the negative energy from your crystals. Palo Santo shown in the picture below has a wonderful aroma that not only cleanses your crystals but surrounds you in positive energy making you feel uplifted and energised too.

Palo Santo Smudge stick for cleansing crystals

4. Hold your crystal under running water

Most crystals can be held under running water, preferably naturally running water, but if this is not possible a running tap will do. Imagine a waterfall falling over your crystal until you feel that all the negative energies have been washed away. Please make sure that your crystal is not water-soluble before cleansing in this way.

A clue to the water solubility of a crystal can be found in it's name. Most water-soluble crystals end in "ite", such as fluorite, calcite, angelite and sodalite. Lapis Lazuli is also water-soluble, so check first before using water to cleanse your crystals.

Use a colander and place all your crystals in there and let the water run over them, use your intuition to know when they are cleansed then leave them on a cloth to dry naturally.

Cleanse crystals under running water

5. Use crystals that cleanse other crystals

Some crystals such as clear quartz, carnelian or selenite have the ability to cleanse other crystals. You can place a small crystal on top of a Quartz Cluster and leave it overnight or keep a Carnelian in a bag of other crystals. This is an extremely useful method for delicate crystals but the cleansing crystals may need cleansing themselves afterwards. Placing crystals on a Selenite charging plate or placing a Selenite on top of your crystals will cleanse and energise them.

Selenite for cleansing other crystals

6. Sound

The vibrations of a pure sound can be used to cleanse a stone. You can use a bell, gong or turning fork.

Crystals can also be cleansed using the pure sound and vibration of Tibetan Cymbals.  Holding the cymbals over a group of crystals and bringing them together to make a sound, makes it possible to cleanse several crystals at once 

Tibetan cymbals for cleansing crystals

7. Moonlight

Both moonlight and sunlight can be used to cleanse your crystals. However, sunlight can fade some crystals, whereas moonlight is a powerful safe cleanser. Using the power of the Full Moon will both cleanse and energise your crystals

Cleansing can and should be done on a regular basis. If your crystal is looking dull it may be because it has picked up and absorbed negative energy from the surrounding environment. Try not to let anyone touch your crystal, even though they may be full of good intentions. If your crystal has been handled by someone else then cleanse it to clear any absorbed negative energy.