Collection: Septarian

Septarian also known as Dragon Stone is made up of three stones Aragonite (brown), Calcite (Yellow) and Limestone (Grey). It is associated with the lower chakras the root.

Activating the root chakra, it helps us to be more responsible and patient. Balancing the sacral and solar plexus Septarian brings feelings of happiness and understanding, increasing confidence and self-esteem.

In meditation when placed on the brow chakra repeatedly Septarian is believed to produce visions of past life experiences and helps us to understand how these are affecting the life we have now. It grounds us and awakens our understanding of the nurturing energy Mother Earth provides.

In Astral travel it is said to offer protection, and in sleep, dreams become more vivid and memorable.

Working with this stone will guide you to your ‘purpose’ in life and motivate you to get on your chosen path.

It is said to be a ‘speaking stone’ helping you find a clear voice and communicate and will inspire you in artistic or creative projects.

An earthly stone, Septarian will form a protective shield around you helping to heal emotionally, learning to forgive any past hurts, loving both ourselves and others and then by letting go being open to change.

Physically Septarian is believed to help with the lower body organs, the stomach and pancreas.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Element: Fire & Earth