Collection: Preseli Bluestone

Preseli Bluestone is found in the Preseli Hills in Wales and is part of the circle at Stonehenge 150 miles away, it has a strong mystic energy that focuses on Earth’s energy. Crystal Healers such as Judy Hall believe that it taps into our planet’s energy pathways. It can increase your intuition and psychic abilities and helps with spiritual healing.

Preseli Bluestone links to past lives, helping you discover what you have brought forward into this life and helping you link with past life or this life soul mates.

Although this alluring stone is called Bluestone it is usually a grey green colour and is associated with the Throat Chakra. It improves communication and creativity and clearing writers block.  It can strip away old beliefs and fears and give you the courage to stand up for yourself, increasing self-esteem and confidence.

It is believed to strengthen the immune system giving you physical strength and energy

Chakra: Throat