Collection: Jade (Nephrite)

There are two crystals commonly referred to as Jade, they are Jadeite and Nephrite. Nephrite is an opaque crystal and is more easily obtained than the translucent Jadeite. They both have similar properties.

Jade is said to promote love, courage, justice, wisdom and self-sufficiency and is believed to be an emotional balancer. It is thought to release negative thoughts and to soothe the mind.

Jade is a protective stone, said to protect the wearer from harm and to attract good luck and friendship.

In healing Jade can be placed on the Heart Chakra and is thought to calm the nervous system, cleanse the blood, and to remove toxins. It is said to be an excellent stone for the kidneys. Jade is also believed to aid fertility and childbirth.

Jade crystals have a slightly 'soapy' texture.